About Us

Shasta Fiber was created as a resource for organizations in Shasta County who would like fiber network connections to connect with organizations who would like to provide fiber network connections. Please contact us if you are in either of those categories.

OK, that’s the fancy sounding intro, but the reality is I’m just a local Network Engineer with sucky home Internet access. I have dreams of someday starting a fiber ISP to connect unserved neighborhoods in Shasta County, but it will probably never happen because I have a full-time job and no capital burning a hole in my wallet. I have a few contacts here and there that may someday turn into something, and if they do, I’ll have a domain name ready. 😉 Until that time, I’ll post things here that are of interest. Or not.

Oh, yeah…I know this site sucks. I’m a Network Engineer, not a Web Designer. I can get the packets to your web site, but I can’t make it look good. If you are a Web Designer with time on your hands, I can pay you exactly $0 to make this look good. (I’ll probably buy you coffee or beer.)